Oh what fun! You just won a billion bucks!
Before this, you never play the lottery. But with the recent fervor over the billion-dollar jackpots of the Mega Millions and the Powerball reaching over $750 million, you just can’t help yourself. Your coworkers are getting in on the action, buying pools of lottery tickets, hoping to be the lucky ones.
And you just won. But even before you won, you thought about what you can do with the money. Here are a few things on your list.
- Buy your dream home.
- Take your family on that dream vacation.
- Travel the world.
- Never again work another day in your life.
- Start that business you’ve been thinking about.
- Buy a new car.
- Pay off your debts.
- Get a fancy cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop every day for the rest of your life and never worry about from where the money will come.
- Eat out for lunch every day.
- Update your wardrobe.
- Take care of your parents and close friends’ debts.
- Get the best schooling for your kids.
- Spend quality time with your kids.
- Learn how to play a musical instrument.
- Write that book you’ve been talking about for what seems like forever.
- Run the heater or A/C without worrying about the cost of utilities.
- Start an investment account with a fiduciary.
- Donate to your favorite charity.
- Leave a legacy.
- Start a movement that matters to you.
The Deep Questions
When you look at some of the “deeper”, more philosophical items on the list, you quickly realize they aren’t about the money. They never are.
The “you just won a million dollars, what would you do for the rest of your life” question is really just a thought experiment to get you thinking about yourself and your values. For some people, this could be the very first time they’ve really thought about themselves and what matters to them.
For example, let’s say you have a goal of donating money to your favorite charity but you might not feel “rich enough” right now to make donations. But what’s really stopping you?
You could make the money through a supplemental income, like a gig you work outside your regular job. You could start a business and create revenue. You could even donate your knowledge and time to that charity. There are many ways to donate outside of money.
You don’t need to win a billion dollars, and you don’t need to wait until you’re in a better financial situation. As a matter of fact, you can start where you are with what you’ve got.
[box type=”download”] If you want to explore more of these money myths, I invite you to download your free copy of 7 Money Myths Preventing You From a Positive Cashflow.[/box]
Money Energy Blocks
Did you know you have money energy blocks? We all do. These money energy blocks could and are preventing you from doing and going after what matters to you. These blocks could be as simple as…
- Believing that money is the root of all evil.
- The rich stole their riches.
- You don’t need money to be rich.
When you believe that money is the root of all evil, you’ll push money away because you don’t want evil in your life. Instead, reframe your beliefs. Money enables you to live comfortably. The more money you have, the more comfortable you live!
And when you also believe that the rich stole their riches, you’ll once again start pushing money away as soon as any enters your life because you want to live an honest life. After all, stealing is dishonest and unethical.
In short, when you’re able to remove some of these money energy blocks, then you’ll start attracting more of the green stuff into your life.